Withdraw Policy

If an author requests to withdraw the article after it has been peer-reviewed, or

Published  he/she will be charged according to the following:

Criteria For India Rs. 1500/- & for other countries USD 100/- per article.

Published articles in final stages of publication if are withdrawn, will entail withdrawal fees.

The request will be processed by the editorial board and only serious genuine reasons will be considered if possible.

The decision of the editorial board will be final and not negotiable.

Unethical withdrawal or no response from the authors to editorial board

communication will be subjected to sanction a ban to all authors, and their institute will also be notified.

Indexing Policy

Note: API (Association of Publishers India), will not give any indexing guarantee, as it is depends on indexing authority.

In any case Journal is removed in Indexing Agencies, we can not refund any Article processing charges.